How to Invest in Live Entertainment

There’s no question that live entertainment is a huge industry. According to a study by the National Association of Ticket Brokers, Americans spent more than $22 billion on live entertainment in 2016. And that number is only expected to grow in the years ahead. But regardless of the reasons, one thing is clear: investing in live entertainment can be exciting, can give you perks, and can make you a pop culture insider. Whether you’re looking to add some excitement to your social life or you need a new hobby, live entertainment can be a great investment opportunity.

What is live entertainment and why should you invest in it?

When it comes to live entertainment, there are a lot of different options to choose from. You can go to a concert, see a play, or experience an immersive attraction. In short, live entertainment is any type of performance that happens in front of an audience. But why invest in it? For starters, live entertainment investments can be interesting social outlets. By being involved in live productions, you will meet other arts-loving investors, as well as the fascinating creative people that work behind the scenes. In some cases, you may get the opportunity to interact with well-known performers and directors. Investing in live entertainment is also a great way to support the arts. By helping to facilitate shows and performances, you’re part of keeping the arts alive.

How to get the most out of your investment in live entertainment

Entertainment investments are unique, in that you can "visit" them, unlike a stock or real estate investment in a company or property far away from you. Take advantage of that and attend as many shows as possible, bringing your friends and family to experience them with you. Follow the show's social media accounts, and keep up with the latest happenings. Interact with those accounts and help spread the word by sharing posts and by putting out your own info and story about your journey with the show. When possible, get involved in the community surrounding the show. From the crew to the cast to the producers, there are usually very interesting people (and sometimes well-known celebrities) involved with live entertainment. This probably goes without saying, but definitely purchase merchandise related to the show. You are helping to support it in many ways by spending that money and by promoting the show to prospective customers.

Where do I go to get involved?

The truth is that most entertainment investments are reserved for big investors with deep pockets, including institutional investors and corporate conglomerates. As a small investor, you won't likely find an opportunity to invest in Katy Perry's concerts or in a new Cirque du Soleil show. For accredited investors, there are organizations like Investing in Broadway that will help connect you with shows, as long as you are willing to put in $25,000 or more. Apart from Broadway shows, there do not seem to be a lot of ways to invest in other live entertainment opportunities, unless you are personally connected to the producers/creators, but recently a company called Fan Rebellion has taken advantage of the 2012 Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act ("JOBS Act") to create a way for small investors to get involved in shows and other attractions, especially in the Las Vegas market.

So what are you waiting for?

Start exploring the world of live entertainment today!